Frequently Asked Questions
What is the lowest outdoor temperature that CheapHeat can still adequately heat my RV?
That depends on the CheapHeat™ model selected and the RV. There are “full timers” who keep their large coach at 72 degrees F inside, when it is as cold as 10 degrees F outside.
Will CheapHeat work in my RV?
It can be installed in the majority of RVs that have a central forced air heating system, with clearance for the add-on components.
Where can I go to get CheapHeat installed?
The CheapHeat™ system needs to be installed by a certified RV repair facility. You can contact RV Comfort Systems for a dealer near you.
How do I know which Add-On System fits my furnace?
Check the Compatibility Chart. There are three primary styles of Add-On Systems: Ducted, Plenum, and a third specific to DRV Mobile Suites.
Does my RV need 30 Amp or 50 Amp shore power?
The DH18-37-50 electric heater assembly is a multi-tap heater. When configured as a (DH-18) it can be used on a 30 amp or 50 amp service. When configured as a (DH-37) or (DH-50) is must be connected to a 50 amp service.
Can I upgrade my RV from a 30 Amp to 50 Amp service?
Yes! It can usually be performed by a qualified electrician for a $200-500. If you e-mail info@rvcomfortsystems.com and request our 30 amp to 50 amp upgrade document we will send you detailed information on how it is done.
How to I perform the clearance measurements?
All measurements are taken inside the RV, When measuring the additional length measurement, measure from the end of the furnace towards the center of the coach. With the ducted system make sure to allow enough room to reconnect the ducts on to end of new add-on cabinet. For the additional height measurement, measure from the top of the furnace extended out to where the Add-On System is attached. For the side, determine which side the high voltage is connected to the heater and allow a minimum of 2.75” (AT-10 allow 1” on the opposite side as well).
Do I need a fully functional gas furnace to install the CheapHeat Add-On System?
The furnace does not have to be fully functioning for the electric heater to work, but the blower fan MUST be working and in good repair.
Will the Stand-Alone System fit in place of my old gas furnace?
In 95% of the cases, the Stand-Alone System will fit in the same footprint as the old gas furnace. However, measurements should be made to confirm that space is sufficient. The Stand-Alone System is 10” H x 17.5” W x 19.5” D.
Can I use the Stand-Alone System with my existing gas furnace?
No, the Stand-Alone would replace the gas furnace in its entirety. To keep your existing gas furnace, please choose the Add-On System.
What is the difference between the Direct Discharge System and the Ducted Add-On System?
A direct discharge furnace is usually found in a pop-up system trailer or pickup camper and does not have ducts or plenums attached.
Can I install the Direct Discharge System on a Ducted Furnace?
No, the Direct Discharge System is designed to work only with Suburban NT-12, NT-16, or NT-20 Series direct discharge gas furnaces.
If I have a system installed in my RV setup for 50 Amp shore power, what happens if I adapt my 50 Amp service to plug into a 30 Amp camp site pedestal?
The CheapHeat system has a Smart Controller to prevent overload of the circuit and thus will not allow the CheapHeat to come on when a 50-amp to 30-amp RV is adapter is in use. The fan will still operate, but with no heat. We advise that you flip the Gas/Electric switch back to Gas while such an adapter is in use.